bach flower consultations

“Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us”. - Dr Bach

balance your emotions. fulfil your potential.

“I believe that our emotions are the guides in the journey of fulfilling our soul purpose and potential in life. Our emotions tell us how we need nurturing and what we hunger for, who we truly are is a culmination of our needs.” - Johanna Rossi

what are flower remedies?

Bach flower remedies are a natural form of vibrational medicine developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s. These remedies are based on the principle that emotional imbalances and negative mental states can contribute to physical ailments and impact overall well-being. Bach flower remedies consist of dilutions of flower essences that have specific healing properties aligned with different emotional states.

Bach Flower remedies are made from natural plant materials, natural flower heads, and spring water, which are non toxic and free from side effects.

I offer individual Bach flower consultations by appointment, in person or via Zoom.

An unbalanced body makes unauthentic decisions. On a journey of self-recovery, Bach flower remedies can help by addressing underlying emotional imbalances, promoting inner harmony, and supporting emotional healing, so that you can make life choices from your most authentic self.

Each flower essence is associated with specific emotional qualities, such as fear, uncertainty, loneliness, or lack of confidence. By selecting the appropriate remedies based on individual emotional needs, Bach flower essences can gently strip away negative emotions and leave space for positive qualities like peace, courage, resilience, and self-acceptance to rise.

"It is the patient to be treated and not the disease"

Dr Bach (during address given at Southport, Feb 1931)

The remedies can support you by helping you to become more self aware, to learn more about yourself, and by addressing underlying emotional imbalances, they promote inner harmony, and support emotional healing. They can help you to recover your truest nature by transforming negative attitudes and emotional issues into positive ones, which in turn frees the physical body to promote healing and helps it to cope with the stress caused by life’s challenges. Each flower essence is associated with specific emotional qualities, such as fear, uncertainty, loneliness, anger, or lack of confidence. By selecting the appropriate remedies based your individual emotional needs, Bach Flower Essences can gently shift negative emotions towards positive qualities like peace, courage, resilience, and self-acceptance.


The consultations last an hour, and can be carried out in person or online, click here to enquire about availability.

At the end of the consultation together we will review your personalised remedy mix, so that you can begin to learn how to use this simple, self-help system, and take control of your own wellbeing.

I have been studying the remedies since 2021, am now on the final level of the training and well on my way to becoming a registered Bach practitioner. During this final level of training I am allowed to carry out consultations, but will be charging a reduced price of 55€ per consultation, which includes your personalised mix. This price will then rise once I have becoming a fully registered practitioner.

Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner Disclaimer.
1. Bach Flower remedies are natural products intended to support emotional wellbeing and are not a substitute for medical treatment.
2. Consultation with a Bach Flower remedy practitioner does not replace professional medical advice or treatment.