PAUSE IS THE place in which you will recover yourself


Allow yourself to step back.

Be held within the Rising Woman’s Circle, a virtual monthly 60 minute gathering for women who are learning how to accept, trust, value and take care of their most authentic selves whilst creating a meaningful life led by their natural pace.


Already know you want to join this month’s Rising Woman’s Circle? Click the button to save your seat.


The Rising Woman’s Circle is a space for you if:

  • You are ready to shift your perspective on your current situation and take responsibility for your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing by learning how to take intentional action led by your intuition.

  • You have been feeling depleted and have been searching for a soft space to gather your thoughts and remember your natural rhythm.

  • You are ready to stop seeking outer validation and do the work that is needed to rebuild self trust and overcome the limiting beliefs you carry that often hold you back from taking the next best step for you.

  • You have been feeling alone and have been seeking the comfort of a community of like minded souls who can hold you on your journey of self recovery.

  • You are yearning to be supported in learning to accept yourself in your truest nature within a group of women who are committed to cultivating the patience of nurturing the abundant beings they already are.

  • You feel you are ready to learn more about holding yourself accountable without the pressure of falling short of unrealistic goals, strict plans and endless to do lists.


Are you ready to start believing in yourself again?


The Rising woman’s Circle is a safe space to reclaim, nourish and nurture the seeds within you as you learn to embody and believe in the woman you have always been and are capable of becoming.

If you feel you are ready to journey deeper into self acceptance, self trust and accountability, where magic, the practicality of life and growth intersect, join us in the upcoming circle to be held, seen and heard in your truth.

Gather in our community to summon the many expressions of yourself

and do the work to feel whole again.

The Rising Woman’s Circle is rooted in a commitment to self compassion, creativity, curiosity, and courage. 

An occasion to sink into the experience of harnessing the full power of your intuition and a connection to a higher source through a spiritual, holistic, and creative journey to within.


An opportunity to pause, honour yourself and enter a space to not only be held, seen and heard in your truth, but also to to listen, witness and hold space for other rising women too.

An opportunity to support each other in experiencing the relief and joy of feeling accepted and understood in our truth and an occasion to experience the freedom that comes with being our most authentic self.

An intimate, small gathering in which we are able to reflect and prepare our next best step to realign us with our truest nature.


THIS is A space to reclaim, nourish and nurture yourself.

You will come away from each Rising Circle feeling:

  • Clearer and more confident about who you are, why you are here and have a renewed sense of meaning for your life in which you are learning to focus on fulfilment over production.

  • More comforted with the inner knowing that you are held and that it is safe to be you.

  • Less alone as you have also been able to hold space for other women and recognise shared emotional experiences and frustrations.

  • Less overwhelmed as you have taken the time to release the emotions and thoughts that were no longer serving you and identify the needs that you have been denying.

  • More capable with a renewed sense of faith as you have made a clear intention guided by your truest self as to what is your next best step will be and what emotion you will let lead the way.

  • Lighter with a renewed sense of self and energy as you have identified and released external pressures and expectations allowing you the freedom to now express yourself fully in a way and at a pace that feels most authentic to you.

  • Motivated to overcome any adversities that you may have to face over the coming month, knowing that you are increasing your capacity to pivot and evolve with more ease.

The Rising Circle Experience:

Check in

Our emotions are our guides in the journey of self recovery so we always begin with checking in on your emotional wellbeing. We hold space for you to lay down the heaviest weight that you have been carrying over the last month.


Following a journaling exploration led by an oracle card pull we gather together in community to support each other in letting go of what we each feel called to release this month through a letting go ceremony.


Meditation is an important part of reconnecting to your truest voice and each month we journey through a channeled guided meditation to remember what is buried within you, followed by sharing together what we have recovered in the community.


We close this sacred space with a reflection and personal intention for our next best step. You can expect to leave the Rising Circle feeling nurtured, clear, confident and accepted in your wholeness and self expression.


Commit to yourself, pause to notice your soul’s needs and nurture a belief in the abundant woman you already are.


This is your invitation to take 60 minutes every month to honour yourself, your intuition and true nature and be held as you find acceptance and clarity of your unique path.


In the Rising Woman’s Circle we leave no woman behind. You are not alone.


What past circle members have to say:

join the next rising circle:

Frequently asked questions



+ What is Rising Woman’s Circle?

A monthly 60 minute virtual gathering for women who are learning how to nurture their truest self.

The journey Back to you is not a journey that you have to walk alone. The purpose of the circle is to bring together like hearted women to create a space of acceptance within which each member can relearn to trust themself.

The circle is a space in which we reconnect with our truest self, become self aware and release anything that we have been holding on to and no longer serves us. It offers an opportunity to pause, reflect and set new intentions and prepare your next best step back to you with intention and focus.

+ What happens in a Rising Circle?

We gather virtually, and after an emotional check in we use the power of journaling, guided by a prompt, to reconnect with our truest self.

We share our findings and after a release ceremony, circle founder and host Johanna will lead you through a channeled guided meditation. The meditation will lead you back to your truth and the wisdom you have been seeking in order to create an intention for your next best step.

In closing the circle we confirm what we have recovered of ourselves during our time together.

There are no expectations of you in the circle. What you would like to contribute, take away from or leave in the circle is up to you and your capacity in the chapter that you are in.

+ Why do women gather?

Women have been gathering in circles through the ages to support each other and share stories and wisdom.

The circle is a place in which we recover the answers that we are searching for and uncover the next steps of our path ahead.

In the circle women give each other permission to guide themselves towards self realisation, healing and find themselves deeply comforted in knowing that they are not alone and it is not just them who are struggling.

+ What are the benefits of taking part in a Rising Circle?

  • Acceptance: The circle is a safe space for you to be vulnerable and be accepted as your truest self.

  • Feeling less alone : When we gather in a circle we feel less isolated in our struggles and feel connected, not only to ourselves but to others.

  • Feeling held: Being in the circle allows us to let go and feel held by the other women and by the universe on a greater level.

  • We feel supported: As we share we create an emotional bond with the other women in the circle, knowing that they are on a similar mission to you and that there is no judgement nor competition.

  • Authenticity: In the circle we are able to speak our truth without fear of judgement and can honor our most authentic self.

  • Self Healing: Pausing to tune in to our inner voice allows us to connect with our most authentic needs.

  • Self development: As we open up to our truth we gain a new perspective and start to approach the world in a new way.

  • Transformation: As we reconnect to our truth and gain new perspectives we are able to take the decisions that will lead us to deep transformation.

  • Self affirming: When we are able to have our truth held in such a safe space we gain confidence in who we are.

+ What are the guidelines for participating in a Rising Circle

That you honour and respect each woman’s truth without judgement, and that you hold space for fellow circle members with acceptance.