Work with me 1:1

Remember. recover. Rise.

6 week Bespoke vibrant wellness Package

“We don't rise because someone tells us we are worthy, we rise when we feel we are worthy. We rise in our truth, we rise every time we choose ourselves.”

- Johanna Rossi

6 week Bespoke vibrant wellness Package

Pre first consultation questionnaire for you to fill in.


Initial online consultation (1 1/2 hour ) when we will carry out a life audit, and work out which areas of your life needs most tending to.


A personalised soul gardening manual with soul work, and guidance to support you on your journey to vibrant wellness.


One 1 1/2 hour online or in person consultation to assess your progress and challenges after three weeks.


One 1 hour online or in person Bach Flower Remedy consultation.
Your personalised remedies will be posted after or given to you during the consultation.


Closing 1 hour online consultation with guidance hints & tips for your confident


Spaces for this service are limited, so that I can provide the attention and care needed for the individual. Contact me now & get the next available date in your diary!

You are worthy and deserve being invested in.


Are you ready to start cultivating a life in which you can experience the comfort of being yourself?

Let yourself be and recover your truest nature.

The magic of life is felt when we start to feel the emergence :

a change in our emotions, when we stop focusing on how we will grow and start believing that we already are.

Becoming is a choreography of continually noticing and nourishing your physical, mental and spiritual needs on a moment to moment basis.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You want to serve your purpose, but are deeply exhausted from years of overdoing, over giving and over producing and feeling like you are still not where you want to be, nor feel the way you want to feel.

  • You have had enough of feeling like you are constantly struggling and of being unkind towards yourself and yearn to know how it feels to be at ease.

  • You feel trapped in a life that you participated in creating, and shame yourself for not knowing better.

  • You have lost trust, faith and confidence in yourself and your intuition and you just wish someone would give you the answers, tell you what to do.

  • You have started looking outwardly for answers but often feel misjudged and misunderstood and now feel frustrated that no one seems to be able to help you.

  • You second guess yourself and your creations a lot and limiting beliefs about who you are and why you are here cloud the validity of your ideas.

  • Despite feeling burnt out and depleted you repeat negative patterns of neglecting your needs and often end up hitting an energetic wall.

  • You regularly forgo your physical, mental and emotional needs for the sake of fulfilling those of your loved ones.

If so, it is time to learn to Soul Garden.

Your set of unique needs are what makes you, you. The art of Soul Gardening supports those unique needs, and the woman you are becoming.

Using my knowledge from a culmination of over 15 years experience from my own journey of self recovery, I will guide you through doing the work of tending to your roots, so you can rise from your truth and cultivate a life which you feel whole, purposeful and fulfilled.

To become we all need a place where we can be. A place where we can feel acceptance, empathy and compassion, so we can cultivate those things within ourselves.

That is why I created ‘The She Shed’, my sanctuary nestled in the hills behind Monaco.

‘The She Shed’ is a magical place in my garden, for women like you to visit, when needed, a place where you can pause, rest, create, ponder, take action, and tend to your needs.

Your journey of self recovery is unique, but the process we go through to self heal is the same, Trust.Believe.Embody.

During our sessions I will meet you where you are and support you with whatever transformation you are wishing to create in your life and/or business, or simply hold space for you as you work out what it is you do need.

Whether you are at the very beginning of this journey, or deep into it, there will always be moments when you feel you need a place to just be.

how IT works

  • Give me a call or email me to enquire about availability to start working with me 1:1.

  • We’ll agree on a start date and I will send you a payment link via e -mail.

  • Once payment is received, I’ll send you an intake questionnaire via an email and send you a zoom link for our fist call, or a details of how to find me, if you are coming in person.

  • At the beginning of our call we will take time to unravel where you are on your journey and where you would like to be.

  • We will then go on an intuitive journey that will help lead you back to your ease.

  • After each session you’ll leave The She Shed feeling clearer, more at ease and confident in your next best steps.

Reclaim your power by taking responsibility for yourself, start the work of self acceptance, awareness, compassion and true self care.

I will help you to build the confidence you need to trust, believe in and truly care for the capable woman you already are, so that you can become the woman you want to be.

soul gardening is for you if:

  • You no you can no longer do this on your own and you have decided to make a commitment to caring for yourself and the woman you want to become.

  • You know you need a hand to hold, understanding and intuitive guidance to support you in taking your next step.

  • In order to implement what you know to create change you know you need gentle accountability.

  • You are ready to take responsibility for how you have been holding yourself back and abandoning your needs.

  • You feel like you are being held prisoner to a version of yourself you no longer want to be.

  • You are always busy doing mundane tasks, by the time you get space for yourself you cannot focus and waste your time with distractions.

  • You often feel dissatisfied, and wonder if there is more to life.

  • You always feel pressured by fulfilling everyone else’s needs and expectations.

  • You have found yourself going through the motions with little hope of change.

soul gardening is not for you if:

  • You are looking for a ‘quick fix’ solution.

  • You never have any intention of putting your needs above those of your loved ones.

  • You are not willing to carve out the time to implement your intuitively led next best steps.

  • You are not willing to try new ways of navigating your life.

  • You are not interested in supporting other women on the same journey as you.

  • You refuse to take responsibility for yourself and blame others.

  • You're not prepared to be honest with yourself.

  • You're happy to stay where you are and just being curious about what life could be like.

  • You are not willing to invest time and money in yourself.

  • You are fixed in your ways and not interested in a change of perspective.

  • You are not interested in respecting the space I have created.

“An unbalanced body will make unauthentic decisions. To live a fulfilled, meaningful life you have to start by bringing the body back to ease. I’ve made it my mission to help women learn how to revive their truest self, so that they can feel the comfort that comes from having the confidence and conviction in knowing what is best for them.” - Johanna Rossi

 Learning how to and intentionally taking the next best step towards the woman you already are and being more at ease with yourself.

To change your world you need to change the stories that you tell yourself about who you are and to whom you are holding yourself prisoner.

During out time spent together in The She Shed you will rewrite your story and break free from old beliefs. We will go on a soul driven journey that follows the path of trust, belief and embodiment.

Still have more questions or want to talk more about where you are in your journey, where you want to be and how we could get you there?

Disclaimer : 
  1. My holistic health coaching services are designed to support overall wellbeing and should not replace medical advice or treatment.
  2. Consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, lifestyle, or wellness practices based on our coaching sessions.